Blackbirds and Allies
This New World family of medium and large songbirds is very familiar, as most species are common inhabitants in human-altered settings. Many are partly to entirely black, often with iridescence or bright markings of some sort. Most blackbird species form flocks at certain times of the year, and many form multispecies flocks. Blackbirds live in open habitats and eat seeds, grain, and insects. They often forage in agricultural areas, where they can be considered pests. These birds generally forage on the ground where they are well adapted for a behavior called gaping. They insert their long, slender bills into the ground, and then open their bills to get at underground insects. Blackbirds also use this technique to get into fruits and some insects, and to reach insects that are cocooned inside wrapped leaves. Most build open-cup nests in trees, shrubs, or on the ground. Many members of this family are polygynous. Females generally build the nests and incubate the eggs, and males help feed the young.
Species Found In Washington
BobolinkDolichonyx oryzivorus
Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus
Tricolored BlackbirdAgelaius tricolor
Western MeadowlarkSturnella neglecta
Yellow-headed BlackbirdXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Rusty BlackbirdEuphagus carolinus
Brewer's BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalus
Common GrackleQuiscalus quiscula
Great-tailed GrackleQuiscalus mexicanus
Brown-headed CowbirdMolothrus ater
Orchard OrioleIcterus spurius
Hooded OrioleIcterus cucullatus
Bullock's OrioleIcterus bullockii
Baltimore OrioleIcterus galbula
Scott's OrioleIcterus parisorum